Bodyrocking. An essential activity to life.

I have always been a huge advocate for physical fitness.

You have to understand that without your physical body and your health, you are nothing. So take care of it. You are going to be useless to everyone in your life (including yourself) if health isn’t a priority for you.

I have always heard excuses when it comes to exercise ranging from, “I don’t have enough time” to “I don’t know how to workout.”

Giving excuses to important aspects of your life leads to failure. Failure occurs when you stop trying.

Failure in physical fitness is not something you want to ever deal with. There are no benefits to being unhealthy. I know this sounds obvious, but a reminder or two doesn’t hurt. If anything, I would like this to serve as a reminder of how important it is to stay healthy.

This is why when I ran into something called “Bodyrock”, I was amazed. If you lack time in your life, or the necessary skills to workout on your own at the gym, this is a solution for you. Better yet, you can do this from home… right in front of the same computer screen you are reading this from. Best of all, the only equipment required is you. Check out their website at:

Here’s an example of their various workouts that you can try:

Don’t be fooled by the website guys. This home workout movement is catered to both men and women. Trust me all you macho guys, even the female workouts can be brutal. In fact, they are probably more brutal because they tend to concentrate on core muscles (which are essential to overall physical strength development), rather than the typical upper-body workouts for men. They also provide new workouts daily and if you follow their routines, you will notice a difference. These are amazing workouts because they develop your body in both strength and endurance.

Good luck, and keep on rockin’!